FLY FISHING LONG ISLAND is now available... If your travels take you to Long Island and if you enjoy fly-fishing then this book is a must have. Fly Fishing Long Island by Angelo Peluso (WW Norton and Company/Countryman Press) is the most comprehensive guidebook ever written about freshwater and saltwater fly-fishing on Long Island.Long Island has long been known as a fisherman's paradise - now it's been rediscovered as a world-renowned saltwater fly fishing destination with equally impressive freshwater opportunities. The fall runs of striped bass, bluefish and false albacore draw anglers from far and near. The Island also boasts world-class freshwater fisheries with opportunities for sea-run brown trout and rainbow trout; bass and panfish also abound in lakes and ponds.While much has been written about various aspects of Long Island's fly fishing opportunities, Fly Fishing Long island is the first comprehensive compilation of all that Long Island has to offer. Fly Fishing Long Island highlights everything the experienced - or the novice - angler needs to know, ranging from destination information to how to catch the available variety of game fish species.Angelo is a regular columnist for the New York and Long Island edition of The Fisherman Magazine, as well as a contributor to numerous local, regional and national publications His previous book, Saltwater Flies of the Northeast, is an acclaimed best seller. His writings and photography have been recognized by the New York State Outdoor Writers Association, the Outdoor Writers Association of America and the Association of Great lakes Outdoor Writers.Angelo lives and fishes on Long Island. Copies of the book can be purchased directly from the author at angelopeluso.com or emailing him at Apdotcominfo@aol.com. The book is also available at all major retail outlets, online booksellers and various fishing shops throughout the region.